NDT Certificates

In accordance with the requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU


Certification & Assurance Services Limited (CASL), an LRQA company, a Recognised Third-party Organisation as described in the European Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU, Article 20, has approved the following NDT personnel to carry out the specified non-destructive tests of permanent joints for pressure equipment in categories III and IV (2014/68/EU, Annex I, section 3.1.3 refers)

The approval is granted in accordance with the LRQA-CASL PD CEN / TR 15589 Route C Certification Scheme.


Accredited by the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB), reference: 7003

Approval is subject to continuous validity being maintained within the limits of the LRQA-CASL PD CEN / TR 15589 Route C Certification Scheme.








Decision maker for CASL

Disclaimer: Please note, this is a web-based reproduction of the original certification. The original certification is retained by CASL. In case of any dispute, the certificate retained by CASL is considered to be the original. Named individuals can contact CASL for replacement certificates – subject to confirmation of identity.

Rules on the use and misuse of certificates and logos:

  • Only the original certificate as issued by CASL is acceptable as evidence of certification under the scheme

  • The certificate remains the property of CASL

  • Certificate holders are responsible for the safe keeping of certificates issued by CASL

  • Certificates shall not be modified / altered or tampered with in any way. Doing so invalidates the certificate

  • The certificate signatory is responsible for informing CASL of any matters arising that may affect the ability of their individual capability to continue the full certification requirements

  • The holder of the certification can only operate within the range of qualification shown on the certificate

  • When applicable, the holder shall ensure any ongoing evidence required to maintain the validity of the certificate for the applicable standard selected shall be made available on request

  • The certificate is only valid if the requirements of chosen qualification standard are adhered to in full

  • The certificate issued by CASL is only valid up to the date shown on the certification issued

  • The certificate is only valid if signed by an approved signatory of CASL and the holder

  • Should CASL be required to investigate the misconduct of a certified person or a third party raises a grievance with a certified person, CASL shall reserve the right to suspend, withdraw this certificate or refuse re-certification of an individual

  • This certificate shall be suspended if CASL have not had funds paid due to them for the certification issued. CASL shall make publicly available sponsors / individuals names on the CASL website and associated certificate numbers that have been suspended.

  • The certified person shall not use the INAB logo in any form whatsoever

  • The certified person may use the CASL scheme logo as shown on the front of the scheme rules

  • Any misuse of logos shall be dealt with an appropriate manner as outlined in the scheme rules

The holder of this certi1cate must sign in the box provided to con1rm that they have accepted the certification process has been followed in accordance with the scheme and that they will abide by the rules set out in the applicable scheme rules of CASL and accept the terms and conditions shown above.

        Name of Certificate Holder:                                                                        Signature:                                                                     Date: